Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Blog - meet Jackson!
Jackson is the most near perfect Labordoodle ever. We got Jackson for Marc's birthday about 2 years ago. You know the drill - we were only going to go look. (Side Note - if you want to come home with a precious pet- you need Marc and MC -brother's fiance- with you . Marc was with MC when she picked out my brother's bunny and MC was with us when we got Jackson) After holding puppies for well over an hour, all the puppies in the litter had piled on each other and fallen asleep, except one - the one soon to call the Price household home....instead of resting like the others, he was pouncing on a leaf. Marc and I both said "we will take that one!" Why we wanted the most playful of the litter is beyond me?

With the exception of eating a Blackberry, chewing our back deck and peeing on my mom's Christmas tree....he truly has been perfect! He makes Marc and I smile everyday. He truly has the sweetest disposition. He HAS no idea what is about to come in August!

Jackson's favorites:
This is Jackson's first snow!!! Snow definitely top his favorites list.

  • Taking out the trash - he LOVES it....when we take the trash bag out of the trash can, Jackson runs immediately to the front door!!
  • Playing with any other dogs but especially Mary Frances. Jackson definitely has a playful spirit.
  • Walks
  • Finding the squeaker in any toy
  • A visit from anybody in my family, b/c they all give him leftovers (which he typically doesn't get)
  • Bedtime!!!! He absolutely gets so excited when it's time to go to bed. I guess it's exhausting to play all day!

We love you Jackson!! Hopefully he won't be too neglected when Baby Girl comes!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Curious Baby Girl

In light of Marc's post yesterday, I just had to share this story!! This is why we started the blog afterall. Let me preface this by saying, I started feeling baby girl Price (a.k.a nuggets) moving, kicking, flipping about 2 weeks ago. Dad's talk finally paid off. I love feeling her tiny little bumps.
Then 2 nights ago - Marc felt her little "love punches" for the first time
Then last night, Marc decided he wanted to read baby girl "Curious George goes to the Baseball Game," - we bought the book for her in Boston. Boston post soon to come!! So Marc starts reading the book. In the back of my mind I am thinking he is destined for disappointment when she doesn't move for him tonight especially since he is half-way through a Curious George book. Oh but I was wrong, right before Curious George saves the day at the baseball park, baby girl starts moving all over the place! Her dad was getting all kinds of little love punches!!! She absolute loved hearing her daddy read to her for the first time! Watch out world Curious Baby Girl is ready to embrace you in August.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Daddy Disclosures - We Got Caught

Heather has decided to share blog posting privileges with me and I wanted to share something that happened about four weeks ago.

I guess every dad to be questions what is going to be the first talk they are going to have with their child. I will be completely honest and say that I didn’t believe my first talk would happen so soon. We were right around the 20 week mark which signifies half way there or for Heather the time during the pregnancy that she was supposed to start feeling our baby girl move. Well, other than a questionable flutter there had been no kicks that Heather or I could feel. So, it was time for me to step in and have a little talk. Last night, much like any other night I got in to bed after Heather had fallen asleep. I decided this would be a good opportunity to have a little chat with my little girl without her mom hearing it. Given her current station, this is quite difficult. So I began talking and let me tell you, I talked to her like I have never talked before. No clue what all I told her, but we eventually got around to her needing to start kicking a little harder so that her mom could feel it. I went to bed convinced that she listened well and that Heather would be feeling her kicks in a few days. What I didn’t realize is that I must have been talking louder than I thought. The next morning on the way to work, Heather asked me what all our baby girl and I talked about last night. We had been caught talking about mom. It wasn’t until Heather asked me the next morning about my conversation that I truly realized just how amazing it was that I had talked to my little girl the night before. I am real excited about having a lot more of these talks and pray that God will give me the strength to approach each of them with the love and compassion that he desires of me.
