Sunday, February 7, 2010

And just like that she is 5 months old!

So obviously my hopes and dreams to do a post each month on Julia's milestones were just that, hopes and dreams. I haven't done a post like that since her 1 month post, now here we sit with an incredibly fun and growing 5 month old!!! We have obviously hit a lot of milestones since she was a month old. I'm going to throw those kind of things in as I do other blogs, b/c let's be honest I may never go back and do posts on all those things.It has been a very cold winter here in Birmingham so Julia has spent a lot of time wearing these fabulous hats that her Aunt Caroline has knitted! How lucky are we to have a sister/aunt that can knit? We are looking forward to the warmer weather but in the meantime we are enjoying those button eyes in these little caps.

Julia is a rolling/ scooting machine. She rolled over from her tummy to her back for the first time when she was about 7 weeks old. The first time she did it, it scared her half to death and I thought it was a fluke. But she has basically been rolling since then. Now she scoots everywhere. The pictures above were taken within seconds of each other. You will notice the first one she is on her cozy puppy blanket and the second she is completely off the blanket on her tummy. Just today she scooted from one end of our den rug to the other end. It's amazing how mobile she is and she isn't even crawling.....we are in for trouble.

Now I know what you are thinking, you just said it had been a cold winter and you guys stayed bundled up and now you are putting half naked baby pictures up. Why is Julia wearing no clothes in the above pictures? It was minutes before this:DINNER TIME. Julia was ending up with green beans EVERYWHERE so I decided she could eat in just a diaper and bib! In just a matter of days she has become a much neater eater so we should be adding clothes back to dinner time soon. We started Julia on rice cereal when she was 4.5 months old. She was not a fan but she tolerated it. After a 4 days of just cereal we added a little green beans to help the taste. She loved it! So far she is eating just once a day and has tried green beans, peas and prunes. Loves them all.... speaking of peas. Julia was a pea in a pod for her first Halloween. Since I never did that post here are some pictures from her first Halloween.
Yes-she is sound asleep with her paci propped on the stuffing of the first pea. Needless to say, she was not crazy about being in a pea costume. Can you blame her?
I digressed but I mentioned I was going to try to throw in things I had not previously blogged about when I got the opportunity.

Julia is also sitting up pretty good. She can't pull herself into a sitting position but she sits pretty good if you prop her up. She loves to explore things so as long as she can see what is going on she is happy. She is also rambling, cooing and ahhing at the top of her lungs. She wakes up every morning talking to herself. It is the sweetest sound you will ever hear!!! It truly helps me and Marc start EVERY single morning off in a good mood. Alright, so if you have read this much I'm sure you are beginning to share Julia's sentiments below. Thanks for reading and bye bye.

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