Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Announcing Mr. and Mrs.

Julesbug made her first trip to Shreveport for this joyous occasion. After 8 years of dating Uncle John and MC tied the knot. Everything was absolutely beautiful and Mary Claire was the most stunning bride. I did a horrible job taking pictures of anything. They had the coolest photographer from Birmingham so I can't wait to see the professional pictures.

Jules made her apperance at her first rehearsal dinner and wedding reception. With both Marc and me in the wedding , she also had her first babysitter before and during the wedding ceremony! Of coures she was absolutely:

perfect for all of it! Didn't make a peep through anything but of course it helped that she had a TON of loving aunts, cousins and friends to help keep her entertained. Marc and I even got a chance to bust some moves on the dance floor.

As cute as the ab0ve tiffany blue onesie is, she did not wear it to any of the aforementioned functions. She wore a beautiful gown smocked by her KK but I failed to get any pictures. I'm planning on having some professional pictures made in the same gown so hopefully you can see it!

A bonus to trip to Shreveport was all the family that Julia got to meet for the first time. We couldn't have made through the weekend without all the help of the family. There was always a grandmother, aunt or cousin ready to help with the bug when Marc and I had wedding duties. Again failed to get any I'll leave you with this preciousness.


  1. I am so glad I finally got to meet Julz! She is wonderful! The last pic is precious, she looks like a tiny adult :)

  2. So I'm supposed to be doing homework, but instead I'm looking at pictures of Cooper!! I miss her so much, and I saw her this afternoon! I need you to send me pictures of her to put on my computer... I only have 6 >:-(

    Love love,
    Jules' Obsessive Auntie Caroline
