Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Taking the plunge!

I'm jumping in!! I'm taking the plunge! After reading family blogs, wedding blogs, food blogs, health blogs, interior decorating blogs, baby blogs, the list goes on and on, I have decided to join the Blogosphere. So hello world, here we are.

Why are you starting now you ask?? Well, I'm a terrible scrapbooker / journaler so this is my electronic attempt to keep up with the events in our lives. This also gives us the opportunity to share our adventures with our friends and family that are spread all over the United States.

So what's in the name? Currently Marc and I are raising the near perfect fur child (Jackson) but in August we are expecting our first little girl! The blog will be about raising all the little Prices, meanwhile your comments and support will help raise two clueless parents. It takes the world wide web to help raise our family!

Welcome. We hope you enjoy the small glimpse into our lives!